UGC & where to now...

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UGC & where to now...

The momentum behind UGC is only just beginning with better quality cameras.
And now media is catching up (Facebook totally gets it… which is why it’s gates 
are wide open to video …for now).

So where does this take us?
Many brands are still trying to justify why they should invest in UGC. 
E-commerce sites are grappling with working out how to leverage their UGC!

At Accelerate, we recently pulled together a strategy for HTC that delivered on all counts including UGC as the platform for lead generation.

Furthermore, we’re able to use our UGC as the heartbeat of the ongoing creative solution, which naturally increases engagement.

Want to know more? We’d love to tell you about it. Email with the subject line
‘I want to see a return on UGC!’

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